”I make my images not by skills, not by the best equipment. 

I make them followed by sentiments.


As part of the long art night 

in Landsberg is a small retrospective of 

Olli BŒHM's work

at m.k. Schott ART&ATELIER exhibited. There will be a selection of works from the 

years 1984-2024 

which are also for sale.

artist statement


“To capture a moment, a feeling or a thought, that is my motivation. Finding beauty in the everyday and seeing poetry in the natural is my motivation. I believe that beautiful and emotional images make the world and people a little more respectful and sensitive. When the works of art touch the hearts of the viewer, the goal has been achieved. Melancholic ones emerge Stories in the minds of the viewer that want to be told. I pursue this goal through photography and painted over photographs.

With reduced but certainly intense colors, even if the basis is black and white. This happens analogue, digitally and in combination on canvas, prints and in space.”